Via Social Media
Twitter: @DiedraDrake | Facebook Page: DrakeDiedra | Instagram: Drake.Diedra | Pinterest: DrakeDiedra
Via Postal Mail
Do you have a book you want me to review? A proposal you want me to consider? Send it to me care of my publisher:
ATTN: D. Drake
PO BOX 18902
Reach my Publisher
Do you need to place a book order, talk about rights, or other business conversations?
My publisher is Apache Creek, and you can contact them easily online.
Book Review Policy
I accept books for review in both physical and digital copies. If the book is an advanced review copy, please make sure you provide me with the release date and enough time to review before release. My general personal policy is not to review books at all if I cannot provide at least a 3 star rating, I reserve the right to make exceptions as I choose.
My favorite genres are historical romance, historical fiction, and paranormal romance. I also read cozies, mystery, poetry, history, biography, children’s, and middle grade. I do not like horror, young adult, new adult/coming of age, or memoir. If I didn’t mention your genre, or you think I’d like it regardless – feel free to send a message.
I review on Goodreads, Amazon, and other places if you let me know it’s available there. Pitch your book in the contact form if you think it sounds like something I would enjoy.
Contact Form
You can send me any other messages via the contact form below.